dimarts, 19 de juny del 2018

This is my last post as a Secondary Education student

I has been writing this blog during three years, at first I thought that this were a stupid thing but during the year I could see that it was and it is a good idea to sum up all the thing that we were doing during the years. But it's time to say good bye to this blog and to my last year in Secondary School.

All I wrote here, from my first presentation to the last book I read, has let improve the way to write and explainings things, so thanks to this, I can go whatever you want because English is one of the most important languages in the world, so thanks for all and thansk to Montse for the patience. I'm absolutely grateful for the opportunity that has been brought to me during these Secondary Education years and I feel fortunate and proud of myself to be able to speak, and even sometimes think, in such a beautiful language as English is.

My reflection of this year

This year has been a little more difficult than I had expected but, with no doubt, the most beneficial. I've worked so much! I have put my batteries and I think I have given everything of me, I have focused more i have enjoyed the English. I  have the feeling that this whole year has been very useful in many ways so I'm very proud of it

dilluns, 18 de juny del 2018

Reader Task

The teacher offered a list of possible tasks to do and I finally decided to do the Good Book Glimpse, the Quiz and the Tweet so as to sum 10 points. Here you can have a look at them and even do the quiz!

 Good Book Glimpse




A special event

Every summer, there’s an amazing festival in my country, but it’s celebrated in Valls: Festiuet. This festival of different types of lively music like Pop, Rock and Reggae, takes place on 11 and 12 of August (Saturday and Sunday). This year will be my first time and I’m so excited!
This music festival appeal three thousand people and it’s celebrated in a big countryside of land which are closed for everyone who doesn’t have buy it the ticket. I was amazed by the great atmosphere that was created with all the younger people!
It all begins Saturday at 4 am, with the presentation of the 20 artists that participate in the festival. Later, the festivities and music go on during all night, and in the morning the concert of each artist continue. My favourite part is the night, because the best groups are singing and we can’t sleep, except if you are very tired you can go to your shelter tent.
I will enjoy Festiuet Festival because it offers you a unique experience that you shouldn’t be missed!

Making a Decision

In middle of our English class, we were asked to record a conversation, in pairs, about this speaking in the book:

Here you can listen our decision about this theme: 

Native Americans' Digital Profile

My Native American was Pocahontas and here you can see diferent digital profiles

Instagram: @pocahontassmith25

Facebook: Poca Smith


Love is seeing yourself
in someone's eyes
and finding yourself
in someone's heart